About Us
About Dhanushree Rubber Products

An ISO : 9001 – 2015 Certified Company We are committed to bringing about customer satisfaction by meeting and exceeding expectations through supply of quality products at competitive prices at the correct time. We have adopted efficient manufacturing practices with continuous improvement for the effectiveness of our Quality Management System. We are also meeting essential social and environmental responsibilities. Our commitment to advancement of technology is reflected in our involvement in the development of customized products and fleshless operations. The company is growing continually with the quality policy backed by highly qualified and well experienced technicians.
Our Vision & Mission
We at Viscon rubber Industries are committed to:
1. Working as a team to ensure 100% customer satisfaction.
2. Exceeding our customers expectations in product quality, customer service and delivery.
3. Conducting our business with honesty, loyalty and integrity
4. Encouraging and assisting our business associates and employees to reach their full potential.
5. Being innovative and resourceful in providing quality products to ensure that we remain the leader in our industry
The management of Viscon rubber Industries shall always strive to provide the leadership, environment, systems and training necessary to implement this Quality Policy. We have a vision to be known as The Rubber People of India.